“It is the nature of this creature to swallow men and ships, and even whales and everything else within reach. It stays submerged for days, then rears its head and nostrils above surface and stays that way at least until the change of tide.”
- Each Polaris series is designed to meet the needs of the end user
- These designs provide more inboard space than conventional boats
- The tube diameter allows for larger carrying capacity
- Routing of cables are out of the way of feet
- All D-rings and fasteners are stainless steel
- All accessories are designed for Polaris boats and made to order

- Polaris boats are a superior quality in both materials and workmanship
- Polaris boats provide customers with a product they can rely on for years of boating pleasure.
- Polaris boats can be serviced anywhere by any company specializing in inflatable boat repair
- Polaris's after sales service is second to none
- Polaris's factory direct pricing provides you the customer with the best quality boat at factory direct cost
- The best part - Polaris boats look great and perform even better!
- Polaris boats are built from Neoprene Hypalon® coated rubber fabric.
- This fabric provides the utmost resistance to flexing and deterioration from heat, cold, ultraviolet rays and fuel.
- The core of the fabric has a minimum weight polyester base of 1100 Denier. The 1670 Denier or 1880 Denier fabric is available for the larger commercial and heavy use boats.
- Some boats on the market use lesser weight fabrics of 460 to 860 Denier and still others use vinyl base coatings rather than rubber coated fabrics.
- Each Polaris is hand-built by experienced staff dedicated to quality
- The aluminum hulls are welded by certified welders.
- The fiberglass hulls are constructed from moulds by trained personnel.

- Over the years Polaris has manufactured a full range of hypalon boats in foldable and rigid hull styles. Some of these models have been discontinued but continue to serve their owners. Polaris is able to provide these models with repairs or tubes even though they are no longer in production.
- Polaris no long makes fold-able boats (except by special request). Smaller fiberglass hull boats are now only available in 12’6 to 16’6 sizes but Polaris continues to offer a full line of aluminum hull inflatables from 10’ to 40’.
- As mentioned, Polaris builds to order and sells Factory Direct. This means that manufacturing time will depend on the volume of production at the time of order placement. We suggest to our customers, to avoid disappointment, that they place their order well in advance to ensure delivery for that holiday or work requirement.